3 Tools for Leadership Success
How to Lead: Notes from the Field
Do Hard Stuff, Even when it Sucks.
Level up with simple personal dos and don’ts.
Set Goals, any goals. Don't complicate it.
1) Do Hard Stuff
Life is hard, but adding challenging things to our agenda can benefit our mental health. It's essential to test the accuracy of our feelings occasionally, just like testing a smoke detector.
Little annoyances can lead to big feelings and emotional deregulation. This is not helpful, and telling ourselves it's okay won't change anything.
We can change by challenging ourselves and reminding ourselves of our past accomplishments. This will help us keep ourselves in check and push through the annoyances we must face to create the life we want.
Of course, “Hard” is subjective, but might I suggest that the “harder” the better!
2) Level up
Do you know the quickest way to get from where you are to where you want to be?
It is a two-step process.
Stop doing the things stopping you from getting there
Start doing the things that will get you there
List all the things you know are holding you back from your best self! Now, make a list of all the things you do when you are on! Now circle the one thing from each list that would have the most significant impact in your life Now! Ok, now stop or start those things! Just that simple and just that hard.
3) Set goals
So, you have goals written down? If not, please stop right now and go write 3 goals down, It doesn't matter where or how. Just do IT! Yes, there are mountains of work on good goal setting and methods to accomplish good goal setting but I want to share something so with huge IMPACT!
The real leverage comes from looking back on your goals year over year and seeing if they are staying the same or if they are changing. This is an indication of growth and movement.
So, in a journal, in an app, or in a Google Doc. In a tree, in a box, or with a fox…you get the idea.